With my hot stepmom – Stepmoms Fertility Juice

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Alyssia Vera always cooks breakfast topless and her stepson, Jimmy Michaels, loves it. When Jimmy gets a phone call from his buddies, he refuses to take a photo and creep on her. Instead, he hangs up the phone and goes to chat with Alyssia. That’s when he learns that she’s making special tea to help her conceive. Alyssia offers to let Jimmy breed her.

Later, Jimmy knocks on the door and finds his stepmilf in bed with lingerie that highlights those stunning big boobs and her serious curves. Beckoning Jimmy over, Alyssia demonstrates right away that she knows how to take care of a man. She strokes him and then gets his pants off so she can gobble that hardon. When Alyssia climbs to plant her pussy on Jimmy’s mouth, he obligingly eats his stepmom out while she leans forward to complete their 69.

When it’s finally time for Jimmy to breed her, Alyssia climbs on top to ride his fuck stick. Once she has her fill of riding with her titties in Jimmy’s face, she turns for reverse cowgirl. Jimmy gets to enjoy dicking Alyssia down as she kneels before him in doggy, and then they spoon together until Jimmy has delivered the creampie that will hopefully knock Alyssia up.

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